In "Know"ledge True De"light"

The social media has radically transformed our existential patterns. Today we are always staying connected to a vast network of information & news. Right information, on one hand enriches and enlightens us; on the other hand, inaccurate information misleads us. Illicit information can lead to confusion; both in our beliefs and practices. Planet solace with the assistance of our expert panel members will regale information through regular feature scientific articles, scientific journal updates and verifiable guidelines on health issues. There will be a special focus on mental health management. The overall goal is to serve people through correct knowledge and generate awareness.

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By Saptodwipa Sarkar | Oct 30 2021

As rightly discovered by the great scientist Stephen Hawking, the meaning of life is not at all a concept that has some set rules or guidelines written and prescribed in books,

Pandemic and Positive Psychology – What’s with the 3Ps?

By Priyanka Poddar | Oct 30 2021

We are living in an era of uncertainty, sudden emergency situations, lockdown, mandatory physical distancing, online schooling, travel restrictions and constantly taking safety measures against COVID-19.

Defiance of children and adolescents

By Saranya Banerjee | Oct 30 2021

Defiance of children and adolescents have become a major issue of concern among parents. In many circumstances, it leads to unpleasant interaction pattern within the family context